Unleash the Fun: Add a Drinking Game Twist to Giant Jenga and Take Your Backyard Parties to the Next Level!

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Giant Jenga Game
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Do you love playing backyard games with your friends, but feel like they’re getting a little stale? Well, never fear – we’ve got just the thing to add some excitement (and maybe even a little competition) back into the mix: Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist!

That’s right, by adding a few simple rules to this classic game, you can turn it into an adult-friendly party game that is sure to have everyone laughing and cheering. So whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue, a pool party, or just looking for a fun game to play at your next get-together, read on for all the details on how to turn this classic game into something a little more adult-friendly.

What is Giant Jenga with a drinking game twist?

Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist is a popular party game that combines the classic game of Jenga with an element of alcohol. It is typically played by a group of adults, and the objective is to remove blocks from a tower and perform challenges or tasks written on the blocks while drinking alcohol.

The game is played with a set of oversized Jenga blocks, and each block has a task or challenge written on it, such as “take a shot” or “make a rule.” As players remove blocks from the tower, they must complete the tasks written on them. The player who causes the tower to collapse loses the game.

If you need a Giant Jenga Set check out this one.

Great Option

Giant Tumbling Timber Wooden Blocks Floor Game

The Giant Tumbling Timber Toy is a jumbo sized wooden block game made of premium pine wood, with 56 pieces that can be arranged to form a tower up to 4 feet tall. The game is suitable for both kids and adults and comes with a carrying bag for easy transport. This life-sized yard tower game is perfect for outdoor activities and can be played with friends and family. The sturdy and durable construction ensures that this game will provide hours of fun for years to come.

How do you play the Drinking Game Twist version of Giant Jenga?

The Drinking Game Twist version of Giant Jenga is played with a set of giant wooden blocks that have different drinking-related challenges or tasks written on them. The rules for this version of the game are as follows:

  1. Set up the tower: Build the tower by stacking the giant wooden blocks in rows of three, alternating the direction of each block.
  2. Choose a starting player: Choose a player to go first by any means desired (e.g. rock-paper-scissors, random draw).
  3. Taking turns: Players take turns removing a block from any row except the very bottom row and then placing it on the top of the tower.
  4. Complete the challenge: If the block that is removed has a drinking challenge written on it, the player who removed it must complete the challenge before play continues to the next player. If the block does not have a challenge, play continues as normal.
  5. Challenges: The challenges written on the blocks can range from taking a sip of a drink, to taking a shot, to passing a drink to another player. The challenges should be agreed upon by all players before starting the game.
  6. Winning the game: The game is won by the last player to successfully remove a block without causing the tower to collapse.

What types of challenges and tasks can we add to the blocks?

Giant Jenga blocks with Challenges written on them.

The types of challenges and tasks that can be added to the blocks in the Drinking Game Twist version of Giant Jenga are only limited by your imagination! Here are 35 examples of challenges that you could include:

  1. Drink One: The player must take a sip from their drink.
  2. Drink Two: The player must take two sips from their drink.
  3. Take a Shot: The player must take a shot of a pre-agreed upon alcohol.
  4. Pass the Drink: The player must pass their drink to another player.
  5. Reverse: Change the direction of play.
  6. Sober: Everyone drinks except you.
  7. Jackpot: Take another turn.
  8. Loser: Lose your next turn.
  9. All Together: Everyone must take a sip from their drink.
  10. Bestie Left: Drink a shot with the player to your left.
  11. Bestie Right: Drink a shot with the player to your right.
  12. Mr. President: Until it is your turn again, everybody must put two fingers to their ear as if part of the President’s security detail before speaking.
  13. Dare: The player must perform a dare assigned by the other players.
  14. Truth: The player must answer a truth question asked by the other players.
  15. New Rule: The player must make a new rule for all players to follow for the rest of the game.
  16. Dance: The player must perform a dance for all players to see.
  17. Sing: The player must sing a song chosen by the other players.
  18. Finish Your Drink: The player must finish their drink.
  19. Give a Compliment: The player must give a sincere compliment to another player.
  20. Seatbelt: Everyone must pretend they have an invisible seat belt for the next three rounds. You must take it off and put it back on when you get up and down.
  21. Two Truths and a Lie: Tell the group two truths and a lie. If they guess right, you drink. If they guess wrong, they all drink.
  22. The Floor is Lava: No one can touch the floor without drinking until it is your turn again.
  23. “Over”: Until it is your turn again, everybody must say “over” at the end of their sentence Stewie Griffin style.
  24. Oh Darling”: Everyone must now talk in a posh British accent until the tower falls.
  25. Potty Mouth: Until the tower falls, no one can swear. You swear you drink.
  26. Dudes: Guys drink.
  27. Chicks: Ladies drink.
  28. Word Ban: Until the tower falls, no one can say “drink.” Say it and drink!
  29. Silicon Valley: For the next three rounds, you have to start your sentences with “www” and end them with “dot.com.” If you forget, you drink.
  30. Lefties: Until the tower falls, everyone must drink with their left hand. If you forget, you drink.
  31. Bust a Rhyme: Say a word, and everybody goes around the circle to the left saying a word that rhymes with it. The first person to repeat an answer or not answer within 3 seconds drinks.
  32. Selfie: Get your phone out and take a group selfie. It’s all about the memories!
  33. Talk Dirty: Until it is your turn again, you must talk dirty to your drink and call it nasty names before drinking. If you forget, you drink.
  34. Never Have I Ever: Say five “Never Have I Ever….” E.g., Never have I ever been arrested. If you’ve done it, you drink.
  35. Teeth: Everyone must take turns saying the words “fish stew” without showing any teeth. If someone shows their teeth they drink.

Make the challenges as creative as you want!

These are just a few examples of the types of challenges that can be added to the blocks in the Drinking Game Twist version of Giant Jenga. You can get creative and come up with your own challenges that are fun and appropriate for your group of players.

Benefits of adding a drinking game twist to Giant Jenga?

Adding a drinking game twist to Giant Jenga can add an extra level of fun and excitement to the classic block-stacking game. Some benefits of this include:

  • Increased Interaction: The drinking challenges encourage players to interact with each other, making the game more social and enjoyable.
  • Breaking the Ice: For those who are playing with a new group of people, the drinking game twist can help to break the ice and get everyone more comfortable with each other.
  • Increased excitement: The added element of chance, with the possibility of having to perform a dare or answer a truth, can make the game more thrilling and unpredictable.
  • Laughter: The challenges and dares can be humorous, leading to lots of laughter and fun among players.
  • Adult fun: The drinking game twist can add an adult twist to the classic block-stacking game, making it a great choice for parties and other social gatherings with friends or family.
  • Increase the chances of experiencing a “clumsy fall”: This could lead to more laughs and memories, but it is also important to be safe and cautious while playing any game, especially when alcohol is involved.

Equipment Needed to play Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist?

The following equipment is needed to play Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist:

Giant Jenga Set: This can typically be purchased online or at a toy or game store. It typically consists of 54 wooden blocks that are larger than traditional Jenga blocks. This is our recomended set.…..

Great Option

Giant Tumbling Timber Wooden Blocks Floor Game

The Giant Tumbling Timber Toy is a jumbo sized wooden block game made of premium pine wood, with 56 pieces that can be arranged to form a tower up to 4 feet tall. The game is suitable for both kids and adults and comes with a carrying bag for easy transport. This life-sized yard tower game is perfect for outdoor activities and can be played with friends and family. The sturdy and durable construction ensures that this game will provide hours of fun for years to come.

Marker: A permanent marker or a pen is needed to write the drunk jenga challenges or tasks on the blocks.

Alcohol: This can be any type of alcohol that you prefer, such as beer, wine, or spirits.

Cups or Shot Glasses: You’ll need cups or shot glasses for each player to drink from.

A Flat Surface: A table or other flat surface is needed to play the game.

Players: You’ll need at least two players to play Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist, but the more players you have, the more fun the game can be.

Cameras: Drunk Giant Jenga can be a lot of fun, but remembering everything that happened can be challenging, so get your phones or your cameras out and take as many pictures as you can to capture the night. 

What Safety Precautions Should Be Taken When Playing Giant Jenga With A Drinking Game Twist?

Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind when playing Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist.

  • Legal Drinking Age: Make sure that all players are of legal drinking age and never provide alcohol to minors.
  • Responsible Drinking: Don’t consume more alcohol than you can handle. Drink plenty of water, and never drink and drive.
  • Stable Surface: Make sure the surface where you are playing is stable and won’t tip over. Avoid playing on uneven or slippery surfaces.
  • Avoid Breaking Things: Make sure there are no valuable or fragile objects near the game area that could be knocked over or damaged.
  • Watch for Falls: Be aware of the blocks falling and avoid getting hit by them. Also, make sure the blocks don’t fall on anyone’s feet.
  • Be Respectful: Be respectful of other players, and don’t force anyone to do anything they are uncomfortable with.
  • Designate a Driver: Make sure to have a designated driver or arrange for alternative transportation if necessary.

By taking these safety precautions, you can ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable time while playing Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist. Again, it is important to play this version of Giant Jenga responsibly and never consume more alcohol than you can handle.

What are the different versions of Giant Jenga that are commonly played?

There are many different versions of Giant Jenga. Some of the most popular variations include:

  • Traditional Giant Jenga – This is the classic version of the game, played with giant wooden blocks that are typically 10 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 2.5 inches tall.
  • Giant Jenga XL – This is a larger version of Giant Jenga, with blocks that are up to 20 inches long and 6 inches wide. This version of the game is even more physically demanding than traditional Giant Jenga.
  • Trivia Giant Jenga – This is a variation of the classic tabletop game “Jenga,” in which players take turns removing blocks from a tower and stacking them on top. In “Trivia Jenga,” the blocks may be imprinted with trivia questions, and players must answer the question on the block they remove before placing it on top of the tower. This adds a new level of challenge and an educational aspect to the game, making it not only a fun activity but also a learning experience.
  • Giant Connect 4 Jenga – This is a combination of Giant Jenga and Connect 4, in which players stack the blocks and try to create a line of four of their own colored blocks.
  • Giant Jenga Drinking Game – This is a version of Giant Jenga that includes rules for taking shots or drinking whenever certain conditions are met, such as when a block is removed from a certain part of the tower or when the tower collapses.
  • Glow in the Dark Giant Jenga – This version of the game is played with blocks that are coated in glow-in-the-dark paint, making it a fun and exciting game to play at night.
  • Customized Giant Jenga – Personalized Giant Jenga sets by painting or decorating the blocks with various designs and messages.
  • Giant Jenga Dice Game – This version of the game involves rolling dice to determine which block to remove, adding an element of chance to the game.
  • Giant Jenga Truth or Dare – This is a variation of Giant Jenga that includes truth or dare challenges written on the blocks, making it a fun and interactive party game.

These are just a few more examples of the many different variations of Giant Jenga that exist, each adding its own unique twists and challenges to the classic block-stacking game. Why not check out our other Articles on how to play giant Jenga.


Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist is a fun and entertaining game for adults. It’s a great way to socialize and add excitement to any gathering.

The game involves removing blocks from the tower and performing challenges or tasks written on the blocks. Adding an element of alcohol to the game increases interaction and laughter, but it’s important to play responsibly and never consume more alcohol than you can handle.

When playing Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist, it’s important to take safety precautions, such as making sure the surface is stable, avoiding breaking things, and being aware of falls. Additionally, it’s important to have a designated driver or arrange for alternative transportation if necessary.

Overall, Giant Jenga with a Drinking Game Twist is a fun and enjoyable game that can create lasting memories with friends and family. So, gather your friends, grab some alcohol, and get ready for a night of laughter and excitement with Giant Jenga!

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Hi, I'm Sam, the founder and chief editor here at whatyardgame.com. I've been a freelance writer for 10 years now. I love getting together over the summer for parties and games with the family.